111 Places along
Hadrian's Wall That
You Shouldn't Miss
Hadrian’s Wall once marked the very northern edge of the Roman Empire, and was built to intimidate the uncouth tribes of hostile local natives. Now a UNESCO world heritage site, Hadrian’s Wall is the largest and most important Roman site in Britain. Written by someone with extensive knowledge of the region, this book will help you discover the quirkier corners of Hadrian’s Wall Country, and even learn some local dialect along the way.
111 Places along Hadrian's Wall
That You Shouldn't Miss
David Taylor
Contains numerous colour photographs
240 pages
13,5 x 20,5 cm
5,25 in. x 8 in.
ISBN : 978-3-7408-1425-0
£ 13.99
$ 23.95
Available: Spring 2022
David Taylor
Newcastle-born David Taylor is a professional freelance landscape photographer and writer who now lives in Northumberland. His first camera was a Kodak Instamatic. Since then he’s used every type of camera imaginable: from bulky 4x5 film cameras to pocket-sized digital compacts. David has written nearly 40 books about photography, as well as supplying images and articles to both regional and national magazines. His first book for Emons was 111 Places in Newcastle That You Shouldn’t Miss. When David is isn’t outdoors he can be found at home with his wife, a cat, and a worryingly large number of tripods.